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Origin Query

Sorgu Tamamlanıyor
Horse Name Sex Breed Colour Age Country Sire Dam Owner Owner Trainer HP Last 6 TRace Earnings
ETİL (Dead) Male Purebred Arabian Chestnut TUR ALKURUŞ.7. ZEHRA.52 - SA`D.1. (TUR) 320833
AYÇA* (Dead) Female Purebred Arabian Chestnut TUR SEKLAVİ.31 ZEHRA.52 - SA`D.1. (TUR) 0 604120
ELMAS.15 (Dead) Female Purebred Arabian Chestnut TUR SEKLAVİ.31 ZEHRA.52 - SA`D.1. (TUR) 0 116885
RABİA.5 (Dead) Female Purebred Arabian Chestnut TUR SEKLAVİ.31 ZEHRA.52 - SA`D.1. (TUR) 19-5828
SARA (Dead) Female Purebred Arabian Grey TUR SEKLAVİ.31 ZEHRA.52 - SA`D.1. (TUR) 0 800004
SIRBATUR (Dead) Male Purebred Arabian Chestnut TUR SEKLAVİ.31 ZEHRA.52 - SA`D.1. (TUR) 0 857316
TAŞER* (Dead) Male Purebred Arabian Chestnut TUR SEKLAVİ.31 ZEHRA.52 - SA`D.1. (TUR) 00470-6
TURA* (Dead) Male Purebred Arabian Chestnut TUR SEKLAVİ.31 ZEHRA.52 - SA`D.1. (TUR) 0 1230-55
ZEHRA.69 (Dead) Female Purebred Arabian Chestnut TUR SEKLAVİ.31 ZEHRA.52 - SA`D.1. (TUR) 121421
9 records out of 9 are shown
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