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Origin Query

Sorgu Tamamlanıyor
Horse Name Sex Breed Colour Age Country Sire Dam Owner Owner Trainer HP Last 6 TRace Earnings
AĞLAYANKERKÜK (Dead) Female Purebred Arabian Chestnut TUR BERK.9 AĞLAYANKERKÜK.17 - 07
AYİZİ* (Dead) Female Purebred Arabian Chestnut TUR BERK.9 ŞERZETÜLHAVVA.28 - 487451
BERK (Dead) Male Purebred Arabian Bay TUR BERK.9 ŞİHA.23 - 0 369797
BERK.3/72 (Dead) Male Purebred Arabian Grey TUR BERK.9 SAPHA.10 - KAYA (TUR) 0070-00
BOSTANOĞLU (Dead) Male Purebred Arabian Chestnut TUR BERK.9 MAHSUSE.33 - 477133
BÜLENT.2 (Dead) Male Purebred Arabian Chestnut TUR BERK.9 CAHİDE.28 - KÜHEYLANDABİ.4. (TUR) 565554
CERİT* (Dead) Male Purebred Arabian Chestnut TUR BERK.9 AYŞECAN* - ALNASİP (TUR) 0 5-43332
CIDAL (Dead) Female Purebred Arabian Chestnut TUR BERK.9 CAHİDE.28 - KÜHEYLANDABİ.4. (TUR) 0 983565
EMEL.7 Female Purebred Arabian Chestnut 51 TUR BERK.9 ŞİHA.23 - 64764
ENEZE (Dead) Male Purebred Arabian Chestnut TUR BERK.9 KEMİYETÜLIRAK.14 - 9-57554
GERTEPE (Dead) Male Purebred Arabian Chestnut TUR BERK.9 SADABAT.28 - 673725
HAVACI* (Dead) Female Purebred Arabian Chestnut TUR BERK.9 MEBRUKE.36 -
KABADAYI.3 (Dead) Male Purebred Arabian Chestnut TUR BERK.9 CEVRİYE.2 - KAYA (TUR) 78
KARABEY* (Dead) Male Purebred Arabian Bay TUR BERK.9 ŞERZETÜLHAVVA.22 - 411115
KOÇERO.5 (Dead) Male Purebred Arabian Grey TUR BERK.9 CEYLAN.356 - SA'D.11/56 (TUR) 0 335355
KOÇYİĞİT* (Dead) Male Purebred Arabian Chestnut TUR BERK.9 ŞERZETÜLHAVVA.20 - 844116
METİN.4 (Dead) Male Purebred Arabian Grey TUR BERK.9 SAPHA.10 - KAYA (TUR) 741
NOYAN.1 Male Purebred Arabian Chestnut 56 TUR BERK.9 HAYAL* - SEKLAVİ.11 (TUR) 662-151
SERAL (Dead) Male Purebred Arabian Chestnut TUR BERK.9 ACBE.49 - 854245
SÜSLÜHANIM (Dead) Female Purebred Arabian Chestnut TUR BERK.9 MAHSUSE.33 - 560000
ŞİHA.15/76 (Dead) Female Purebred Arabian Chestnut TUR BERK.9 ŞİHA.23 - 0 0-5
TUNA.4 (Dead) Male Purebred Arabian Chestnut TUR BERK.9 SAPHA.10 - KAYA (TUR) 0 6-7
TUNCAYBEY* (Dead) Male Purebred Arabian Chestnut TUR BERK.9 ZAHİDE.20 -
TÜNCAYBEY (Dead) Male Purebred Arabian Chestnut TUR BERK.9 ZAHİDE.20 - 614-545
UÇAR.137 (Dead) Male Purebred Arabian Chestnut TUR BERK.9 BEBEK.1 - SAVAŞ.3 (TUR) 0 0
YEŞİLBAHÇE (Dead) Female Purebred Arabian Chestnut TUR BERK.9 ZEHRA.47 - 0006
26 records out of 26 are shown
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