Mikrofon Sende


Sorgu Tamamlanıyor
Entries, Declarations, Non-Running
Date At İsmi RC Dst Track St Finish Time Weight Eq. Jockey N Win Group Race Name Race T. Trainer Owner RT Earnings L20
10.12.2019 YILDIZLI ASLAN Adana 1500 DirtGood Going 9 1.39.00 57 B 1 43,75 2 yo Thro 2 Condition 4 M.TÜRKOĞLU SIRAÇ DEMİR 30 17 Video
30.11.2019 AYPELDA ROZERIN Adana 2000 DirtGood Going 9 2.16.39 53 BH
11 21,45 3 yo Thro 7 Condition 3 M.TÜRKOĞLU SIRAÇ DEMİR 13 1 Video
30.11.2019 HESPEROS Adana 1500 DirtGood Going 5 1.35.81 53 BTT
7 13,7 3 yo Thro 4 Handicap 14 M.TÜRKOĞLU SIRAÇ DEMİR 32 10 Video
19.11.2019 DUST IN THE WIND Adana 1400 DirtGood Going 9 1.32.51 55 BH
11 9 2 yo Thro 6 Maiden K.YILDIZ SALİH ERTEN 17 17 Video
19.11.2019 YILDIZLI ASLAN Adana 1400 DirtGood Going 3 1.31.24 57 B 7 5,65 2 yo Thro 2 Maiden M.TÜRKOĞLU SIRAÇ DEMİR 30 8.100 17 Video
17.11.2019 MY LEAH Adana 1300 TurfGood Going
8 1.21.28 57 BH
4 29,95 2 yo Thro 6 Condition 5 H.ATAŞ SEMA COŞKUN 40 18 Video
05.11.2019 DUST IN THE WIND Adana 1300 DirtGood Going 4 1.24.37 57 BH
5 39,35 2 yo Thro 1 Maiden K.YILDIZ SALİH ERTEN 17 4.050 18 Video
05.11.2019 MY LEAH Adana 1500 DirtGood Going 12 1.42.16 57 BH
4 42,25 2 yo Thro 4 Condition 5 H.ATAŞ SEMA COŞKUN 42 19 Video
29.10.2019 SERSERİ KIZ Adana 1200 TurfSoft
4 1.14.61 55 TT 6 3 2 yo Thro 1 Maiden BAH.GÖK AHMET DEMİR 27 4.050 15 Video
27.10.2019 HESPEROS Adana 1200 TurfGood Going
5 1.12.49 60,5 BTT
11 16,8 3 yo+ Thro 9 Condition 3 M.TÜRKOĞLU SIRAÇ DEMİR 36 1.500 12 Video
20.10.2019 BİNİZETOĞLU Adana 1400 DirtGood Going 2 1.29.73 56 BH
16 16,35 3 yo Thro 9 Condition 19 T.ATEŞ TURAN ULUUÇ 26 13.400 9 Video
06.10.2019 HESPEROS Adana 1200 TurfGood Going
4 1.11.61 57,5 BTT
3 27,2 3 yo+ Thro 7 Condition 4 M.TÜRKOĞLU SIRAÇ DEMİR 38 3.850 12 Video
01.10.2019 CANKEŞANLI Adana 1300 TurfGood Going
2 1.29.43 57 B 3 8,4 3 yo Arabian 2 Maiden A.DİNÇ HÜSEYİN ÖZSÖNMEZ 29 16.200 16 Video
01.09.2019 HESPEROS Adana 1400 DirtGood Going 9 1.34.67 58 BTT
3 2,9 3 yo Thro 10 Condition 4 F.DEMİR SIRAÇ DEMİR 43 15 Video
25.07.2019 HESPEROS Kocaeli 1200 DirtGood Going 5 1.14.97 53,5 BTT
4 5,05 3 yo Thro 1 Handicap 15 SEN.ŞEN SIRAÇ DEMİR 43 14 Video
18.07.2019 MY DARLING Kocaeli 1200 DirtMoist 6 1.18.82 57 H 8 29,35 2 yo Thro 1 Maiden F.DEMİR SEMA COŞKUN 14 17 Video
11.07.2019 FIVE BROTHERS Kocaeli 1100 DirtWet 10 1.15.18 57 BH
10 24,25 2 yo Thro 2 Condition 1 M.KARAGÜNEY HALİT DAĞTEKİN 20 Video
08.07.2019 HESPEROS Kocaeli 1400 DirtGood Going 4 1.27.85 55 BTT
1 9,1 3 yo+ Thro 5 Condition 4 F.DEMİR SIRAÇ DEMİR 44 3.400 14 Video
01.07.2019 HESPEROS Kocaeli 1700 DirtGood Going 5 1.54.35 60 BTT
4 5,5 3 yo Thro 2 Condition 3 F.DEMİR SIRAÇ DEMİR 44 15 Video
25.06.2019 YILDIZLI ASLAN Kocaeli 1100 DirtGood Going 3 1.09.97 53 B 1 10,05 2 yo Thro 2 Condition 4 T.ÖZTÜRK TİMUR SEMA COŞKUN 29 6.800 17 Video
18.06.2019 HESPEROS Kocaeli 1500 DirtWet 2 1.33.87 58,5 BTT
6 9,7 3 yo Thro 4 Handicap 15 T.ÖZTÜRK TİMUR SIRAÇ DEMİR 44 13.600 15 Video
28.05.2019 YILDIZLI ASLAN Kocaeli 1000 DirtGood Going 4 1.04.28 54 2 5,25 2 yo Thro 2 Condition 3 T.ÖZTÜRK TİMUR SEMA COŞKUN 2.650 19 Video
14.05.2019 YILDIZLI ASLAN Kocaeli 1000 DirtGood Going 2 1.04.68 57 1 13,45 2 yo Thro 4 Maiden F.DEMİR MEHMET BAŞKAN 13.400 20 Video
14.05.2019 HESPEROS Kocaeli 2000 DirtGood Going 8 2.21.98 58 BTT
2 8,95 3 yo Thro 2 Condition 3 F.DEMİR SIRAÇ DEMİR 43 16 Video
12.05.2019 MY LEAH Adana 1100 TurfGood Going
1 1.08.87 55 BH
7 4,1 2 yo Thro 3 Maiden A.ÇİFTÇİ SEMA COŞKUN 32 33.500 19 Video
05.05.2019 HESPEROS Adana 1300 TurfGood Going
5 1.20.46 61 BTT
8 5,65 3 yo Thro 10 Handicap 15 F.DEMİR SIRAÇ DEMİR 43 17 Video
28.04.2019 ADANA Adana 1100 DirtGood Going 6 1.21.88 55 BH
5 7,15 3 yo Arabian 8 Maiden Y.MİSDİK KAZIM NAMLI 20 Video
28.04.2019 HESPEROS Adana 2000 DirtGood Going 4 2.16.90 56 BTT
2 5,55 3 yo Thro 2 Condition 4 F.DEMİR SIRAÇ DEMİR 43 3.400 18 Video
14.04.2019 POWER SWORD Adana 1900 TurfGood Going
8 2.03.30 58 H 12 19,4 3 yo Thro 2 Maiden M.F.ATCI ÖMER LÜTFÜ KOMAN 22 16 Video
14.04.2019 HESPEROS Adana 1400 DirtGood Going 4 1.28.29 52,5 BTT
5 4,25 3 yo Thro 4 Handicap 16 F.DEMİR SIRAÇ DEMİR 43 4.550 20 Video
06.04.2019 HESPEROS Adana 1500 DirtGood Going 1 1.35.18 54 BTT
1 16,25 3 yo Thro 1 Condition 4 F.DEMİR SIRAÇ DEMİR 43 34.000 17 Video
30.03.2019 POWER SWORD Adana 1300 DirtMoist 10 1.26.87 58 H 15 17,1 3 yo Thro 9 Maiden M.F.ATCI ÖMER LÜTFÜ KOMAN 24 17 Video
16.03.2019 YALÇINGÜLÜ Adana 1200 DirtWet 6 1.29.18 56 BH
10 29,6 4 yo Arabian 8 Maiden M.TÜRKOĞLU MEHMET YALÇIN 15 11 Video
05.01.2019 KENT MARAŞ Adana 1400 DirtMuddy 6 1.33.37 58 BTT
14 31,1 3 yo Thro 3 Maiden A.KARAKUŞ SERDAR KAZANCI 10 17 Video
01.01.2019 KÖKLÜ ÇOCUK Adana 1200 DirtGood Going 13 1.24.94 58 B 5 48,3 3 yo Thro 2 Maiden B.BOZKURT İBRAHİM ALTUNBAŞ 19 Video
01.01.2019 MELDAN Adana 1400 DirtGood Going 13 1.50.62 56 B 3 12,6 4 yo Arabian 6 Condition 3 B.BOZKURT SERDAR K. ÖZÇOLAK 39 18 Video
36 records out of 36 are shown
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