Date | At İsmi | RC | Dst | Track | St | Finish Time | Weight | Eq. | Jockey | N | Win | Group | Race Name | Race T. | Trainer | Owner | RT | Earnings | L20 | ||
30.05.2010 | AMİRAL | İstanbul | 1500 | Dirt (Polytrack)Good Going | 11 | 1.45.37 | 59 | B | GÖKH.GÖKÇE | 8 | 10,1 | 4 yo+ Arabian | 3 | Handicap 16 | R.ÖZTÜRK | OSMAN TOZKOPARAN | 65 | 17 | |||
12.05.2010 | AMİRAL | İstanbul | 1400 | Dirt (Polytrack)Good Going | 8 | 1.35.20 | 50 | B | S.İPEK | 7 | 14,7 | 4 yo+ Arabian | 6 | Handicap 17 | R.ÖZTÜRK | OSMAN TOZKOPARAN | 65 | 18 | |||
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